Agustina Lyman

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Thankfulness is a Super Power

“When you are grateful, fear disappears, and abundance appears.” Tony Robbins

Thankfulness is the language of love. There is power in gratitude when we keep a thankful spirit. We need to learn how to develop a spiritual habit of giving thanks to tap into that power. We have so many things we can be thankful for. Even when things are difficult, we can have a grateful heart if we learn to put things into perspective. 

Consider introducing these activities to your day for a more grateful life:

  1. A prayer of thanksgiving is the highest level of prayer.
  2. Journal and record at least ten things you are personally grateful for.
  3. Handwrite a special note to a friend or family member, letting them know how they add value to your life.
  4. Reach out to others who are having a difficult time and share your resources with them, whether it is your sound wisdom, compassion, or finances.
  5. Celebrate someone you know who is celebrating a birthday, an anniversary, or a promotion. Join the party with your enthusiasm and smiles, and brilliant cheers.
  6. Buy a stranger a cup of coffee or buy groceries for the person behind you in line. They might need a little help, and it is a beautiful way to show them that people still care for no other reason than to share.
  7. Extend a helping hand to those in need of assistance and volunteer at a local organization. Start with one hour a week or possibly once a month. Nothing is too small; everything is a seed sown.
  8. Practice saying Thank You for everything, to everyone, and especially to those who serve you and make your day more pleasurable and joyful. Thank You! Thank You!

Let’s always be grateful, tap into the power of thankfulness, and begin enjoying all of its benefits! When you think about it, there is a lot to be thankful for regardless of what is happening. We live in a world of abundance. There is always more than enough!

Related Post:  Gratitude Reflection,

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