Agustina Lyman

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Make your Money Work for You!

Wealth Building Courses, Coaching and Events for Successful Women.

Build Wealth. Live Generously. Leave a Legacy.

Change Your Life

Join Me on the Journey to an Abundant, Prosperous, and Purposeful Life!

Become the Woman

Who Can Decide About Her Money and Her Life

Money is needed for you to live your best, most authentic life. You need money to

  • take care of your basic needs
  • pursue your goals
  • donate to your favorite cause 
  • travel and enjoy new experiences

You need cash to do it all – whether it’s first-class or down-to-earth. 

So, why the hesitation? What’s stopping you from having more money? 

There are so many negative beliefs floating around about money. Some of the “biggest hits” that keep enduring include:
• “Money is the root of all evil.”
• “I’m not good with numbers and money.”
• “Investing is only for rich people.”
• “You can’t be nice/ethical/humble and also be wealthy.”
• “You have to be really smart and work really hard to have wealth.”

But are these money blocks really true for you? They may feel real – but do you know for certain?

Money gives you the freedom to choose what you do with your time, activities, and pursuits. 

No one wants to struggle financially. When you’re struggling, you don’t feel free. So, if you want to feel more liberated, start with your relationship with money. It’s totally empowering and not as scary as it sounds – I promise.

Maybe you haven’t been knocking it out of the park with your financial decisions up to this point. 

Don’t feel like you’re any good with money? 

Feeling burdened with debt?

Investing seems complicated?

Frustrated that you’re not where you’d thought you’d be in your life or career? 

I help women like you – women who feel overwhelmed and totally lost when it comes to financial literacy and wealth-building. 

I love pulling back the curtains on money-talk and making it way simpler to understand. Because let me tell you – transforming your money mindset and getting in the flow of financial freedom is life-changing. 

AND, it doesn’t have to be scary, stressful, or exhausting.

Nope. I’m here in our safe, no-judgment zone to hold your hand each step of the way.

Maybe you’ve taken advice from friends, watched webinars, listened to bro-marketers, and started and stopped too many times to count. Or, you’re so overwhelmed with the topic that you haven’t even started and avoid it like the plague.

I’ve seen many female friends struggle with their financial health. They may have successes in work, or relationships, and family – but so many don’t have a clue about saving, investing, or planning their finances.

They’re busy taking care of their children, their families, aging parents, starting a side hustle, or just keeping their head above water. Or they rely on a partner to take care of it all… or just put their head in the sand and hope everything works out in the end.

And I get it, this stuff is intimidating…
So who do you listen to?
What if it doesn’t come naturally?
Who can you trust?

That’s what I’m here for.

I’m Agustina, a money & legacy coach. I help busy women like you confidently transform their relationship with money and build the wealth they desire with purpose and ease.

As a corporate certified public accountant specializing in wealth management, I’ve lived and breathed finances for over 25 years. I’m also a business consultant and a certified financial coach that helps businesses and individuals manage their money in a way that is simple to understand and execute.

I’m here, not just as your guide, but as your money-adventure partner, walking beside you, gently nudging and cheering you on.

I believe you can have the fulfilling, successful life you desire. It just takes the decision to start.

Ready to make a shift and truly own your worth?


I don’t have secret golden pixie dust that suddenly transforms your bank account from $0-$1,000,000 (as lovely as that might be).

BUT, I do have a proven step-by-step system that helps you break free of old money-blocking patterns. And sets you up for creating the life YOU want.

Think of me as your wealth-building sister. I’ll take you on a treasure hunt of adventure, learning, and discovery. Part life coach, part community builder, part money expert.

This whole money wealth-building thing doesn’t have to be hard or boring. In fact, it shouldn’t be.

Yes, money helps clothe you, feed you, and provide shelter. But, beyond that, it allows you to make the choices that you want. It sets you up for a life of freedom and purpose.

Money determines:

  • where you live
  • what car you drive
  • when you retire
  • the quality of food you buy
  • your kid’s education & activities
  • the vacations you’re able to afford
  • the healthcare you can provide your family
  • how you support your favorite charity & community

You want to live a life of purpose – one steeped in authenticity where you can be the best version of yourself. You want to live a thriving life where you can support the causes that mean the most to you – from community projects to global efforts, and charitable contributions. 

And I believe you can.

It’s time for you to build your financial confidence.

I didn’t start off as an all-knowing wealth-creator with a silver spoon in my mouth. Far from it, actually. I wasn’t always a successful businesswoman who had the financial confidence that I do now.

Right out of college in Fairbanks, Alaska – 8,309 miles away from my hometown – I landed a respectable job at a top accounting firm in the area. Adult life was going better than I’d planned for me and my boyfriend (now husband).

… But before I could start my dream job, the offer was unexpectedly rescinded. I had no other prospects or opportunities in Fairbanks. I was crushed. This is what I had worked so hard for in college. I wanted to start my career as a accountant at a big accounting firm. I soon felt that I didn’t have the control over my income source like I thought I would.

It was at that moment that I had a realization that changed my wealth trajectory – I decided right then and there to never rely on a single job for my financial survival.

I wasn’t going to let the “job that slipped away” ruin my plans. It was time to pivot.

So, we packed up everything we owned and drove to Los Angeles with a tiny bit of cash and a whole lot of hope for better opportunities.

We were lucky enough to find a place to live and decent jobs. But it was the sage financial advice of my Father-in-Law that helped us build the security of true freedom: 

“Compound interest is your friend!” 

He encouraged us to start investing early – even with the small amount of income we had. 

As counterintuitive as it felt, we slowly took his advice. Even on our ramen budget, we started investing little by little.

No matter where you are on the journey, money is a game-changer.

Whether you’re just starting your career, pivoting into a new one, newly divorced, or in a loving relationship – your wealth story can’t be ignored. 

When you feel confident in your financial know-how, you walk taller, feel more confident, and have a strong foundation for a fulfilling life. You deserve a life that opens you up to choices, fun, security, adventure, and FREEDOM.

And I’m here to tell you that strengthening your financial know-how and confidence is easier than you think.

When the women in our communities are financially confident and secure, there’s a positive shift. Women tend to give back, help others in need, build positive environments, start supportive businesses, set good examples for future generations, and set up lasting legacies. 

We come in all shapes and sizes. From…

  • entrepreneurs
  • corporate go-getters
  • stay-at-home moms
  • homeschooling moms
  • single freelancers
  • traveling nomads
  • retired volunteers

…with varying backgrounds, nationalities, upbringings, and money in the bank (or not), we all start somewhere. 

This is a judgment-free zone. No matter what your current bank balance shows, it’s never too late in the wealthy-building game to learn new skills, shift your mindset, or begin again.

When you know better, you do better. 

I’ve created a platform for you to build the financial vision of your dreams and help you create a life you genuinely love. I firmly believe when you build wealth, you live generously and leave a legacy. 

Helping women succeed – professionally, financially, and personally – is my passion. It’s also my greatest reward. 

The tools and resources offered in this community are designed to fuel your passions and help you take that all-important first step out of your comfort zone – and toward your future. 

A future where you own your worth, ditch your money blocks and finally achieve the money confidence you deserve.

My life as an accountant, adventurer, mother, wife, and community builder has taught me a lot about who I am and how I want to show up for myself and those around me. 

  • At 18, I moved from Argentina to the North Pole (new challenges are my thing).
  • Funny enough, I’m not too fond of math. But I LOVE finances!
  • I’m an introvert by nature, but I thrive when helping people.
  • Bookworm here! I love a good mystery on a cloudy day. I’m inspired by personal and professional growth authors.
  • Pickleball anyone? My new favorite sport (although I’m not going pro anytime soon).

I’d love to hear a little about you!

Sign up to receive practical advice and upcoming invitations to my program. I’ll get you started right away with a FREE eBook: Take Control of Your Finances in 30 Days – Step-by-Step Plan. This instant download provides an actionable plan you can implement today, getting you closer to being in control of your money and building wealth with purpose and ease!

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Take Control of Your Finances in 30 Days – Step-by-Step Plan

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